The Club initiated the syndication of a horse in 2016. This syndicate has 20 shares and was named the Captain Kirk syndicate after the name of the horse purchased with the assistance of Jim Curtin and Stephen Doody. “Kirky” as he became known was just beaten in his first start and had 27 further starts in NZ with 2 wins, 2 seconds and 6 thirds and a total of $22,878.00 in stake money. “Kirky” was sold to owners in Perth and subsequently had another 38 starts in various parts of Australia with a record of 8 wins, 6 seconds and 10 thirds for prize money of about $67,000.00.
The syndicate then bought Greatest Showman in 2019. “Fin” as he was affectionately called had 38 races for 5 wins, 6 seconds and 5 thirds for stakes of $45,782.00 He was sold to the US but unfortunately died shortly after arrival.
In 2023 the syndicate purchased 75% of Blue Chip Lou, a full sister to the very promising Mantra Blue. “Sophie” as she is known at the stables had 3 starts last season for 1 win and stakes of $6946.00. She has had a lengthy spell and due to race again soon at Cambridge.
There are currently no shares available.

Greatest Showman (Fin) Takes out the Waiarapa Cup 16/11/2021.
Photo by Royden Williams
Photo by Royden Williams
In 2020 the club initiated the formation of another syndicate with 50 shares. Realistic costs have allowed an opportunity for many more people, some new to ownership, to be part of the thrills and frustrations of racing. The syndicate has had moderate success every year with Bettor Grunter ( now retired) the best performer, with 6 seconds last season. As of August 2024, our two horses are Baileys Pitch and Jahi. Baileys Pitch has had two good placings recently and Jahi ran a very close third at Cambridge in his only start so far.
This syndicate works on a 12 month basis and so members can opt to withdraw or remain in, on the 30th September each year. Both horses are trained by Stephen Doody at Palmerston North.

Budvar Eyre (Buddy) winning at home 01/04/2021
Photo by Royden Williams
Photo by Royden Williams
Becoming a Syndicate Member
Both syndicates are full at the moment but vacancies can arise for various reasons. If you are interested please contact;
Brian Ahern - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone 027 280 3201